Language: JP

Quality management and customer satisfaction; Committed service better than any other companies

Thorough Quality Management Lowering Claims
Cost Saving Divert car parts to other companies (divert mass products) Large stock enables immediate supply (when products are in stock, supplied on the day or in three days maximum)
Quick supply When products are not in stock, supplied in one to two weeks
Job Ticketing Method Management Prevent stock shortage, prevent double ordering
Cope with multiproduct We are trading with more than 300 companies and are able to handle a wide range of products
Toyama Medicne Selling Method Manage customers’ stock and order on behalf.
Keep stocks at customer's place and refill when the stock gets low and the amount consumed becomes the sales
Numbering System Visible Managing Method (by detailing the shelf numbering, anyone is able to find what he/she is looking for easily and unmistakably, to shorten workhours)
Supplying assembled parts We assemble multiple parts to supply as units (cost saving for customers)

We endeavour to maintain quality to satisfy customers


